Audio Surgeon 

Audio Surgeon is the new name (and new version) for what used to be Audio Switch. Audio Surgeon (AS) is an
audio file management tool that employs batch processing to allow users to process large numbers of files in
a single operation. Audio Surgeon works with most common standard audio file formats. It will also allow you
to add video files, but it does not process and save in a video format. When Video files are added it will
strip the audio channel and allow this data to be saved in any standard audio format.
When a file is opened and analyzed in AS it will display the following information: File path, file name,
file type, file size, length (minutes/seconds), ID3 Title, ID3 Artist, ID3 Album, ID3 Year, ID3 Comments,
Frequency, Bit Depth, # of Channels, Volume, Track Gain/Loss, Tempo (Bpm) Key, CNS (Camelot number)
AS has the ability to change the key, tempo and loudness of a file. It can also append key or tempo values
to the beginning or end of a file name. It can convert amongst different file formats. It can sort, filter
and group files. It can locate duplicate files. And lastly it can automatically find, repair, or replace ID3
tags for audio files.